BEHIND The Story

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The Story Behind the Story

Learning and acknowledging the history of a story shows respect for Indigenous peoples and recognizes their enduring relationship to the land. It also helps to raise awareness about the history of colonization and its role in suppressing Indigenous culture.

The story of The Flight of the Hummingbird began with the Quechan people in Peru. Through pre-contact trade routes, the parable moved north. From Haida Gwaii, the parable became a book and the book became an opera. Learn more about this incredible journey!

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The Story of The Flight of the Hummingbird

This is an old story.
It is older than any tree but still younger than the mother forest.
It is older than any paved highway but still younger than the mountains.
First told on a mountain in the Altiplano.
Then inscribed into the earthen walls under a roof that brushes the edge of the sky.
It is a timeless story.
It does not begin with “Once upon a time”.
It doesn’t really have an end.
It does not have fantastical heroes defeating evil forces and 
Maybe that is because these things are not really as important as the one thing this story has
It has you.
And the something you will do.

-Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Author Flight of the Hummingbird – A Parable for the Environment